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Как вы относитесь к переходу Эрнана в Парму?
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Анкета Эрнана Креспо

How many people do you live with? With my wife and two children.
What book are you reading at the moment? The Da Vinci Code in Italian, and a Bucay book in Spanish.
What image is there on your mousepad? I have a laptop.
What do you have on your desk? I work on the pitch.
The best trip you have ever made? Coming to Italy.
Your favourite colour? Blue.
Your favourite board game? Chess, and a game in which you have to conquer the world.
Your favourite magazine? Focus.
Your favourite cartoon? Tom & Jerry.
Your favourite smell. The smell of my wife.
The first trip you made alone? To Brazil.
The worst feeling in the world? The injury I had when at Inter a few years ago.
And the nicest thing? My children.
The first thing you think about when you wake up? That I have to take the children to school and prepare the baby's bottle.
Better to be alone or in bad company? Better to be alone.
Are roller coasters terrifying or exciting? Exciting.
How many times does your phone ring before you reply? I reply as soon as I hear it ring.
Your favourite food? Grilled meat.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
Sweet or savoury? Sweet.
Cat or dog? Dog.
New York or Rome? Rome is beautiful.
Christmas or New Year's Eve? It's the same.
The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? The Rolling Stones.
Michelle Pfeiffer or Angelina Jolie? Michelle Pfeiffer.
Do you like driving fast?
Have you ever slept with a soft toy? I can't remember.
- -
What make was your first car? A Fiat Uno.
Your favourite alcoholic drink? Beer.
Your star sign? Cancer.
If you could choose a job you like, which would it be? I love my job. When I was little I wanted to be an accountant.
Is there a love you have never forgotten? No. I got married the only time I fell in love.
The first time you got drunk? Only one? I don't remember the first time...
Is your glass half full or half empty? Half full.
Your favourite film? Life is Beautiful.
A recurring dream that will never become reality? Yes. There are still four years to go. I would like to win the World Cup.
The telephone call you have waited the longest for? It arrived two months ago.
And email? I'm not a friend of technology, even though I use it.
Your favourite number? Nine.
Your birthday? 5 July.
The sport you like playing most? Tennis and basketball.
And your favourite sport to watch? Football.
Physically, is there anything you can't stand about a woman? No.
And sentimentally? I can't stand hysteria.
Physically, the thing you like most about a woman? Her smile.
And psychologically? Her intelligence.
Your first time? At the age of fifteen.
A secret you have managed to keep? If a friend tells me not to reveal a secret, I'm like a tomb.
A wish that has come true? To form a family.

And one that hasn't come true yet?
To win the World Cup.

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: hernancrespo (25.01.2009)
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